Internet Problems

If you encounter internet issues in your apartment, please request support from Wesleyan ITS. 

Request IT Support: 

  1. To submit an IT ticket, visit the IT support portal for Wesleyan University: Wesportal>ITS Help>Request IT support
  2. When submitting your IT ticket, it’s crucial to provide as much detail as possible about the issue you’re facing. Describe the problem, including any error messages you may have received. 
  3. Mention your apartment complex, and which devices and networks you are having issues with. This information helps IT support locate and address the issue more efficiently. 
  4. Once your IT ticket is submitted, you will typically receive an acknowledgment email with a unique ticket number. This number is essential for tracking the progress of your request. 
  5. Keep an eye on your email for updates from IT support. They will notify you when they’ve resolved the issue or if they need additional information from you. 

 Internet problems can be frustrating, but please remember that IT support is here to help. Be patient and understanding during the troubleshooting process. In case of a widespread internet outage affecting multiple residents, ITS will communicate updates and information to keep you informed.