Trash Disposal

Here are some important trash disposal guidelines: 

  1. Use the Provided Bins: In your apartment complex, you’ll find designated bins for trash disposal. Please make sure to use these bins for your regular household waste. Avoid leaving trash in common areas or any place other than the designated bins. This helps maintain cleanliness and order in our shared spaces. 
  2. Bag Your Trash: Before placing your garbage in the bins, ensure it’s securely bagged. This prevents loose trash from spilling and keeps the bins clean.  
  3. Recyclables Go in Recycling Bins: Please be mindful of what can be recycled and use the recycling bins for those items accordingly. Recycling helps reduce our environmental impact. 
  4. Dispose of Large Items Responsibly: If you have large items or furniture to dispose of, please don’t leave them by the bins or in common areas. Contact Physical Plant at 860-685-3400 and arrange a pickup for proper disposal.   
  5. Report Any Issues: If you notice overflowing bins, damaged containers, or any other issues related to trash disposal, please report them promptly to the Physical Plant. Your feedback helps us maintain a clean and pleasant living environment. 

 By following these simple guidelines, we can all contribute to a more pleasant and hygienic living experience for everyone in our apartment complexes. Let’s work together to ensure our shared spaces remain clean and welcoming.