Laundry Etiquette in Shared Spaces

As members of the Graduate Student Housing Committee, it is essential that we all contribute to maintaining a clean and courteous environment in our shared laundry facilities. With this in mind, we kindly request that you observe the following laundry guidelines: 

  1. Promptly Remove Your Laundry: Once your laundry cycle is complete, please promptly remove your clothes from the washing machines and dryers. This allows others to use the machines without unnecessary delays. 
  2. Clean Up After Yourself: Always clean the lint filter in the dryers before and after use to prevent fires and ensure efficient drying. Dispose of lint properly, and if you notice a spill or mess, please clean it up. 
  3. Do Not Overload Machines: Overloading washers and dryers can lead to machine malfunctions and longer wait times for others. Follow recommended load limits. 
  4. Do Not Put Hard Objects in the Machines: Please avoid placing hard objects like plastic bins in the laundry as it can damage the machines 
  5. Report Malfunctions: If you encounter any issues with the laundry machines, such as a malfunction or damage, please report it immediately to the maintenance contact listed on the machines. 
  6. Respect Schedules: Be mindful of your fellow residents’ schedules when using the laundry room and try to avoid peak times when possible. 
  7. Be Environmentally Conscious: Use the appropriate settings for your laundry to conserve water and energy. Consider using cold water for washing, and avoid running small loads. 

By following these guidelines, we can all contribute to a more pleasant living environment in our graduate student housing facility. Remember that we are a community, and our actions affect our fellow residents.