Noise Etiquettes

Understanding Noise Expectations: 

First and foremost, it’s important to acknowledge that some level of noise is inevitable in apartment complexes. With neighbors living in close proximity, occasional sounds are to be expected. However, the key is to manage our expectations and practice consideration for others. 

Tips for Managing Noise: 

  1. Quiet Hours: Most apartment complexes have established quiet hours during which residents are encouraged to keep noise to a minimum. General quiet hours for graduate housing are Sunday to Thursday 11 pm-8 am, and Friday and Saturday 1am to 10 am 
  2. Communication: Open and respectful communication with your neighbors can go a long way in addressing noise concerns. If you’re planning a gathering or expect to make some noise, inform your neighbors in advance to find a suitable compromise. 
  3. Use Headphones: If you enjoy playing music, watching movies, or gaming, consider using headphones, especially during late hours. This is a simple but effective way to avoid disturbing your neighbors. 
  4. White Noise and Earplugs: If you’re sensitive to noise or have difficulty concentrating, consider using white noise apps or earplugs to create a quieter environment within your own space. 
  5. Mind Your Surroundings: Be mindful of the time and place for activities that could generate noise. For instance, if you’re practicing a musical instrument, try to schedule practice sessions during daylight hours. 
  6. Report Excessive Noise: If you find yourself repeatedly disturbed by excessive noise from a neighbor, please reach out to the housing committee. We will work together to address such concerns appropriately. 

 Remember that we all play a part in creating a harmonious living environment. By following these noise etiquette guidelines and showing consideration for your neighbors, we can ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience in our apartment complexes.